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•   Jan Van Zinderen  7/26
•   Pamela Mueller  7/25
•   Keith Dahlberg  7/23
•   Frank Sershen  7/23
•   David Nice  7/13
•   Lori Geller  7/12
•   Charlie Garr  7/11
•   Douglas Busler  7/11
•   Patricia Perron (Link)  7/10
•   John Spohn  7/8
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
5 live in Arizona
2 live in Arkansas
14 live in California
6 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
11 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
4 live in Illinois
2 live in Iowa
3 live in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
312 live in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
3 live in Missouri
2 live in Montana
4 live in Nebraska
2 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Mexico
2 live in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
2 live in Oregon
1 lives in South Carolina
1 lives in South Dakota
2 live in Texas
2 live in Utah
1 lives in Vermont
1 lives in Virginia
7 live in Washington
24 live in Wisconsin
4 live in Wyoming
1 lives in Manitoba
1 lives in Egypt
1 lives in Mexico
1 lives in Viet Nam
46 location unknown
66 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Henry Sibley Senior High School
Class Of 1974

Welcome to the Henry Sibley Senior High Class Of 1974 web site. Please join the site and update your classmate profile information. Then look through the missing classmates list and help us find as many you can. This site is FREE to all members of our class.


50 Year Reunion - September 14, 2024 

Registration for our 50 Year Reunion is now open. Please follow the 50 Year Reunion link on the menu to the left to submit your registration.

You can register for the Class Reunion Dinner, as well as the three additional events that are available at no additional cost.  

We hope to see you there!



Please help us by updating your email to a personal email address, not a business email address. Many of our classmates are retiring (or changing jobs). Once that happens, your old email address starts bouncing and we have to do a significant amount of work to track you down again.

Thanks for your help!


Help find our missing classmates!

With our 50th Reunion weekend coming up, now is the perfect time to help us locate the significant number of missing classmates we have.
Select "Missing Classmates" from the menu and browse the list. If you know how to contact any of the classmates on the list, please reach out to them and direct them to the website.
Thanks for your help!
Your Reunion Committee


If you are here for the first time.....  Select "Missing Classmates" on the menu to the left, then click on your name and you'll be asked to join the site and create your login and password. 



Welcome fellow classmates to our home on the internet.

Once you have updated your profile, please take a look at our Missing Classmates page. These are all of the classmates who have not come to this site to update their information. Please help us by letting them know that we are here! You can send them an invitation by typing their email address in the box in the lower right corner of this page, or simply send them an email and give them our web address




Nancy Pilgrim  7/26
Fred Goodwin  7/31
Tom Stahl  8/2
Catherine Fuller  8/7
Scott Weiss  8/8
Michael Schuno  8/11
Ronald Hoeft  8/12
Suzanne Loizeaux  8/13
Thomas McKay  8/18
Mark Prettyman  8/25
Michael Williams  8/26